
SECONDE NATURE and ZINC have been taking part in professional networks and local dynamics for 20 years. Both structures always function together. Ever since their inception they have been involved in cooperative and collaborative structures.


From its creation onwards, ZINC was an active member of the national network Espace Culture Multimédia. It took part in the creation of the regional network Espaces Régionaux de l’Internet Citoyen; during 10 years it supported a programme for decentralised international cooperation in the Mediterranean area, and it helped create the SCIC Belle de Mai, which manages the site and the cooperative project at the Friche Belle de Mai...


In the early 2000s, SECONDE NATURE was one of the first festivals in the field of multimedia art and sound creation in France. SECONDE NATURE collaborates with other French festivals, such as Ososphère in Strasbourg, Scopitone in Nantes, and international festivals such as Elektra in Montreal, Warp label and Transcultures in Mons... These cooperation and co-production networks have expanded over the years, particularly in the direction of emerging Mediterranean scenes.